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                                   What is RSI?
      RECOGNITION SCIENCE, Inc. (RSI) provides consulting, vision system design and software development services.  RSI specializes in pattern recognition and research systems for biomedical applications, microscopy-based vision, automated inspection, remote sensing, and target recognition.   Consulting, training and complete product development services are available. RSI has created software libraries for image enhancement, feature extraction, information evaluation, learning and classification. RSI Target Image - Link to Image Enhancement

                            What can RSI do for you?

   RSI has developed top-level system designs for a variety of vision applications.  These systems are designed for easy prototyping using off-the-shelf components whenever possible.  RSI has a familiarity with specifications and interface requirements for a wide range of camera, framegrabber, and automated stage-control products as well as an in-depth knowledge of image processing and object recognition techniques.  RSI can select the appropriate algorithms and software libraries for quick concept demonstration or develop specially optimized code for efficient real-time applications.  RSI is experienced at using MMX capabilities of the latest PC processors for high-speed image processing on generic, low cost hardware. RSI has integrated control systems, developed focus algorithms, and created interactive calibration software for machine vision applications.

What kind of resources does RSI have?

   RSI maintains facilities for PC development for Windows 98, NT, and 2000 as well as Unix development on Sun Workstations.  RSI has input devices for scanning imagery and digitizing video.  It can provide color output on high-resolution, photo-quality inkjet or dye sublimation printing.   

Contact Us

Telephone:  (781) 860-7757

Web Designer: Joshua Vogel